Narrow Aisle Pallet Racking, allows fork trucks to operate in aisles up to half the width required in conventional adjustable beam pallet racking.
Using specialist lift trucks in either ‘man-down’ or ‘man-up’ variants, narrow aisle pallet racking is precision designed for safe, efficient load handling within the tight confines of these space-efficient aisles.
Guidance rails or wires fitted at floor level ensure precise positioning of trucks. This has the multiple benefit of improving safety, whilst minimising the incidence of accidental damage to racking as well as improving the speed and accuracy of load handling. Visit our NEW Pallet Racking Direct website for further information on wide aisle pallet racking, narrow aisle pallet racking, double deep pallet racking, push back, carton flow, pallet live dynamic racking systems and drive in racking.
Shelf Space have gained valuable experience in the supply of narrow aisle pallet racking with our largest project storing over 15,000 pallets with racking upto 11 metres high. We have attached some of our own narrow aisle installation pictures of projects we have recently undertaken. Our project engineers met with the client and under took a detailed site survey and using the latest CAD drawing software we were able to provide the client with detailed plans of the propsoed narrow ailse racking system. The project was completed within a tight timeline and the client was very happy with the end result.
If you need help or assistance or you would like one of our sales team to visit you to discuss your individual needs then why not give us a call on 01444 220290 or use the 'Contact Us' sheet and we will contact you.